Barack Obama: Fraud Charges - Evidence - Connections - Prophecies
President Obama's selections and policies in his administration show agreement between charges, evidences and prophecies.
We must require truth in government.
Posted Feb. 23,2011
"Obama's mystery links to Gadhafi uncovered"
My note: This article has connections and conversations between various: Gadhafi, Farrakhan, Nation of Islam,
David Axelrod, Rev. Willie Barrow, a member of the Obama campaign's official Faith Outreach Team, Marxist activist Cornel
West, an adviser to Farrakhan, also had been an adviser to Obama’s 2008 campaign and goals to gather minorities to destroy
"white America." Powerful details in this article. +++++++++
Since Egypt Protests February 2011
Union intimidation with crowds of protesters in Wisconsin
looks familiar. Communism and Socialism are accusations used in America. Unions, Communism and Socialism, Blacks, and Workers'
World seem to be tied to the protests in the Arab nations in this article, and probably all the protests: read:
"Posted by: Lumi Boldovici on Feb 09, 2011":
"The WWP had the express goal of creating a favorable
atmosphere for Soviet-style socialism within the American trade unions and the "colored" population of the United States.
The WWP newspaper Workers World, which was initially printed by my DIE and smuggled into the U.S., used to show Lenin and
Trotsky holding up a banner reading, "Colored and White Unite and Fight for a WORKERS WORLD."
God wants freedom living off land, not enslavement most of our life. He wants
to grow our needs. See Egypt Protests on first page this website, comments. ***************************************************************************
Health Care Reform conforms to: "Psycho-Politics-Address on Health Care and Control." by LP Beria at Lenin University
(Says only Faith Healing through the Bible can stop control of the people
through health care.) AND
Health Care Reform also conforms to "45 Communist Goals For the Take Over of America." (control of courts, media, medical fields.)
This blogspot link is available in one letter as here and also as 3 post:
1. Only - Charges and Request For Removal & Dissolving Administration.
2. Only - Forgery Evidence For SSS Reg. Form, HIMS
Printout, and USPS Date Stamp
3. Only - Forgery Evidence For COLB = Certificate
Of Live Birth
Link here for single letter: FORGERY EVIDENCES - SSS Reg.- COLB - BIRTH CERTIFICATE 2-11-09
God is against nations joining together for protection and prosperity and He frustrates,
confuses and destroys their plans. (Psalm 1 and 2, II Chronicles 16:7-12; 20:35-37; Leviticus 26, Isaiah 8:9-14;
Marie Kalivas Devine, 19405 Platte County Line Road, Smithville, MO 64089-8798 USA
816-210-3638 (cell) - - - - https://cashapp/$MarieKDevine
When I asked our God and Savior if I should provide a place for donations,
the answer came back, "Small donations are called for, it's the right thing to do